Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No-one knows when the inflation will come down

What an irony? No one … not even the RBI knows when the inflation will come down. On one hand RBI has reduced the CRR by 25 bps which, for sure, will release around Rs 18,000 crores in the coming months and then you can’t say RBI has no clue about when inflation will come down.

The businessman, media and the stock markets will keep pressurizing and cling to demanding lower interest rates from the RBI. But it’s the RBI governor’s

Monday, October 22, 2012

Reforms !!!

Reforms ahem!
There was unprecedented rumble of benevolence when PM announced the reforms in various sectors. 

The govt, long accused of policy paralysis, started aggressively issuing statements which are still being debated as being mere announcements or actual reforms. 

I’ve tried to list the reforms below:
·         Proposed FDI of 51% in multi-brand retail
·         Proposed FDI of 49% in aviation
·         Proposed FDI of 49%

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Give Vijaya Mallya a break !!!

This morning I came across below article and thought of writing about it strongly.
Give Kingfisher Airline a chance ( or give Mr. Mallya a break)
My views: Yes he deserves a fair chance. The KFA also deserves a good chance, not to forget it was one of the best airlines while flying.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We the Mango People !

We the mango people!
Yes we the mango people are in abundance all around. (guess that’s what makes us mango people at first place)
We the mango people just about ignore all the flaws around; just accept everything as is, because we the mango people are PATIENT.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

FDI in retail to reduce food inflation is it ?

FDI in Multi-Brand Retail .... to reduce food inflation is it ?

Today RBI Deputy Governor Subir Gokarn said that the only solution to controlling the food inflation in India is by allowing FDI in multi brand retail. 

Well the only thing which remains to be asked is that by allowing FDI in this sector, how can one be sure that the money can automatically start trickling in India into this sector. In this age and era

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

QE3 or QuEstion3 ?

QE3 or quantitative easing declared this time by FED is not a real good news for India per se.

More printing of money simply devalues it & as there'll be always scarcity of commodities in the world, the prices of these will go up in USD terms.

India being a major importer